About Indonesia Water Coalition
Indonesia Water Coalition
Indonesia Water Coalition is an organized, multi stakeholder partnership of leading public, private and other actors with the common objective to actively support the civil society and government in achieving water security and sustainability of the water resources using collective action on multiple fronts.
Friday, 29th January 2021 the Indonesia Water Coalition (IWC) was officially launched through a virtual charter signing event. The signing marks the commitment of the members to works towards water security and sustainable water resources management through collective action in the basin level.
In the spirit of collaboration, Indonesia Water Coalition is open to any oganisation, corporation, NGOs, academia and other who want to join this unique movement as long as they share the same vision and mission in protecting and managing water in Indonesia in a sustainable manner.
Vision and Mission
Our Vision
Water security in Indonesia that supports people, environment and economic development
Our Misson
- Promote collective action at basin level aligned with and embedded in local water governance and contribute to water security in Indonesia.
- Promote the adoption of sustainability standards and implementation of good practices that support sustainable management of water resources.
- Create an enabling environment to build and upscale sustainable management of water resources at basin level, including governance and financial mechanisms.
Our Team
Basja Jatowski
Yayasan Aliansi Wali Sumber Daya Air Indonesia
Triyono Prijosoesilo
Public Affairs and Communication Director
PT Coca-Cola Indonesia
Fany Wedahuditama
Regional Coordinator
Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia
Ratih Loekito
Director Development and Marketing
Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara
Umesh Phadke
President Director
PT L’Oréal Indonesia
Ika Noviera
Director Corporate Affairs
PT Multi Bintang Indonesia
Starting in
IWC members aim to create the Catchment Knowledge Hub, a one-stop online platform containing information on water at catchment level, as the first step towards joint action. Aligned with the 5 outcomes of water stewardship, the platform would provide information on water governance, water balance, water quality, important water-related areas, and safe access to WASH in the catchment. The Hub will also provide water risk assessment at (sub-)catchment level, as well as potential co-benefits from the implementation of restorative and management actions on water.
In its early stage, the Catchment Knowledge Hub will be using government-released data, academic research and any publicly available data from private sector.
Collaborate in Developing the Indonesian Water Coalition
The Indonesia Water Coalition is open to any organization interested to join as Member, if the organization has a commitment towards sustainable management of water resources in Indonesia. Applications for new membership shall be formally submitted to Steering Committee for consideration and approval.
Founding Member :
Friday, 29th January 2021 the Indonesia Water Coalition (IWC) was officially launched through a virtual charter signing event. The signing marks the commitment of the members to works towards water security and sustainable water resources management through collective action in the basin level.
In the spirit of collaboration, Indonesia Water Coalition is open to any oganisation, corporation, NGOs, academia and other who want to join this unique movement as long as they share the same vision and mission in protecting and managing water in Indonesia in a sustainable manner.