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Indonesia, although being a water rich country, is seeing increasing water stress. Rapid economic development, population growth and the impacts of climate change have put water resources under immense pressure, resulting in water stress and increasing competition over water.



Leading companies are realizing that in order to sustain their operations, to become a responsible water manager and to increase their reputation, they need to take action on water. There is a growing movement towards achieving good water stewardship. However, single site or single stakeholder actions, although an important first step, are not sufficient to address complex water issues at catchment level.

There is a growing awareness of the need for joint action between major water users, government and communities at catchment level. Through meaningful collaboration amongst leading private sector operating in the same catchment, the shared value creation on water stewardship can contribute to better catchment governance and support the role of River Basin Agencies and Catchment Coalitions.


What We Want to Achive?

Often, the so-called first movers on water stewardship have to invest substantial resources and time to implement sustainable water management practices. A prominent example is the collection of access to accurate water data and risk assessment tools at catchment level, which are often lacking.

IWC members acknowledge this ongoing concern and its impact onto informed decision-making on business resilience towards climate change and water security. However, IWC members also believe opportunities are present to reduce this risk and create shared benefits for all water users. Especially when key stakeholders in the catchment collaborate in a meaningful joint action.

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Business Consulting

Market Research

Mergers & Acquisitions

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From Our Founder

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+1 555 0394 848